Honeymoon Planning 101 Before I posted this blog today, I ran a quick Google search for “BEST HONEYMOON LOCATION”, it came up with 213 million different responses. That’s mind boggling! Do you have time to go through that many different places? A professional travel consultant can take that 213 million and turn it into two or three different recommendations for you and your fiancée to review. How can we do that, you ask? I’m going to walk you through a few of the steps I use to help my clients work with me to plan a honeymoon that’s perfect for them. The first step in my process for planning honeymoons, is to get to know you. I want to know what you do and who you are. What you like and what you don’t like. Your favorite foods, your favorite drinks and the things to do together as a couple. By getting to know and understand you likes and dislikes, I’m able to make recommendations just for the two of you. I want to know the story of YOU.
LET'S TALK TRAVEL INSURANCEDo I need to buy travel insurance? The only answer I have is yes, yes, yes! If you have a reason not to buy it, I’ve heard it. However, travel insurance is just like other insurance you carry. You have it JUST IN CASE. Just in case a car crashes into your car.… just in case you fall and break your leg …. just in case something happens to your home. I know, because I used to say it as well. I truly wish nothing bad would happen to anyone ever, but it does. A prime example of this is COVID-19. We’ll discuss this in a future blog. It has to have its own. Taking a vacation is a financial investment, and you should cover your investment with travel insurance.
Let me tell you about the time I almost lost my vacation investment. What's it like to fly now?This is a question many have asked because they are worried about the close contact environment on an airplane. When we took our flight the last week of September 2020, I admit, I was a little anxious. I did tons of research about what to expect but you can’t substitute research for firsthand information. I’m a procrastinator by nature in most things, but getting to the airport is one area where I don’t. My motto for checking in for flights, is the earlier the better. Since the airlines have posted a policy of three hours prior to an international flight, I base my recommendation on their suggestion. If you’re my client and your leaving from Anniston to catch a 10am international flight from Atlanta, this is my official advise – leave six hours prior to your departure time. That allows two hours for the drive, an hour for the time change from Central to Eastern and three hours to check in. I do try and follow my own advice, but I’m all a worrier by nature, so we normally schedule to leave an hour prior, you know, just in case. However, I was so excited about taking our vacation to Mexico, I didn’t sleep the night before, so when Matt woke up at 2am, I was ready to go. So, we loaded the truck and were on the road by 2:30am. We all know if the traffic god is on your side, you can get to the Atlanta airport from Anniston in about 90 minutes. I think we made it in 85 minutes. Our official plan to was stop and fill up the truck as we got close to the airport, so we had a full tank when we got back. Didn’t make that stop. Next, we talked about stopping and eating a small meal, because I knew they wouldn’t be serving much on the plane. Nope, didn’t make that stop either. Parked the truck and waited for our ride over, at this time I was just about bouncing out of my skin thinking about relaxing at the resort. We arrived at the airport at 5:15 am, EST. The Delta counter didn’t open until 6am, so we waited. Just so you know, we were first in line at the Delta counter to check-in that morning. It was wonderful to be back at the airport again.
Vickie Thomas